
Icelanders live their lives according to the Icelandic saying "þetta reddast", which can be translated as the belief that "things always have a way of working out in the end."
Travel is similar. What do YOU want your friends, family, and classmates to know about your travel experience?
ECOPASSPORTS Video contest
Your Mission: Shoot, edit, and upload a 3-5 minute video to Youtube.
THE THEME: "Petta Reddast...Life always has a way of working out in the end."
1. Topic: Your video will introduce who you are as a global citizen. Your audience is multi-dimensional: family, friends, prospective future employers, classmates, present/future Teachers & Professors.
2. Elements: Your video should include the following FIVE elements:
Still images with narration: BE CREATIVE!
Airport departure & arrival
Host country community interaction
Guided excursions
Academic lectures and field hikes
Live video of you talking (introduction, "why I'm a proud study abroad student, what I’ve learned/hope to learn on my excursion, etc.)
A brief interview with any of the host country participants (driver guide, host country students, excursion guides, etc.)
3. Quality: Your video should be high quality. This means:
High quality video (clear, steady, well lit, uncluttered, smooth fade in and out at beginning and end)
High quality sound (clear, no background noise, good volume level)
Once you've uploaded your video, please provide the URL to your Academic Leader. Contest submissions are due within ONE WEEK of returning from our travel.
“Best” video as judged by your Academic Leader and Ecopassports will receive a cash prize.
Good Luck!