Safety first...Safety last... Safety in-between
General Safety Tips:
While you are abroad take the same precautions you would take in any large US city you are not familiar with.
Do not walk in unfamiliar areas of the city. Be careful with money in public just as you would be at home.
Become a professional people watcher! Watching the local residents and their habits is your best guide to safe behavior. The less you stand out the safer you will be.
Learn about the customs and local laws. Remember that you are subject to the laws of that country and are not protected by US laws.
Never leave your bags unattended. Never let a stranger watch your luggage or backpack while you go to the bathroom or tend to other things.
Make two (2) photocopies of your passport ID page, airlines tickets, and credit cards. Leave one copy at home and bring the second copy with you in case something gets lost or stolen abroad.
Beware of pickpockets. Thieves often strike when people are distracted: for example making a phone call or sightseeing, with a bag or backpack casually left on the ground.
If anything is lost or stolen, it will be reported to the local police. Keep a copy of the police report for insurance purposes or in case you need to replace your passport or student visa. Report the loss of your passport to both the local police and then to the nearest US embassy or consulate to apply for a new one.
On all EcoPassport excursions, we move as a group.